

The Art of Indie & Mainstream Filmmakers Celebrating the Diversity of the Gay Community Worldwide



As was announced on the Gay Interest Films site earlier in the month we have formed a team which we call GIFT (an acronym for Gay Interest Films Team) to participate in AIDS Walk 2009 a fund-raising event for Desert Aids Project .

This fund-raising effort is an urgent attempt to supplement critical funds that have been lost by recent budget cuts by the State of California in critical programs which address virtually all of the issues and needs that have evolved as a direct result of the AIDS/HIV epidemic.

The humanitarian mission of the Desert AIDS Project is to provide solid patient advocacy and support, medical and drug assistance, AIDS awareness and prevention programs and many other related aspects and needs created by the battle against this heinous disease. The Desert AIDS Project serves all men, women and children in need and in providing service transcend all social, political, race, ethnic and sexual orientation boundaries. AIDS is ambivalent to ALL boundaries so our response MUST be to “think globally and act locally”, a worthy principal to apply to all of the challenges facing us as human beings.

We feel that it is imperative that we do our part. AIDS has been an ever present and painful reality in many of our lives here and in the lives of the many that we have loved and lost. It is this reality that has prompted us to set a realistically attainable goal for our participation in AIDS Walk 2009 of $1,100 and we are now urgently asking the broad and diverse community that visits and utilizes the Gay Interest Films site to support us in our effort to achieve that goal.

So far the performance of our original appeal has been disappointing but we are hoping that the remainder of the story will unfold just like the classic "The Tortoise And The Hare" with our "community " in the starring role of the "Tortoise" making the determined and exciting sprint from behind to win the race!

For our site users, visitors and supporters, whether your visits are frequent or occasional, we ask you to please realize that the Gay Interest Films site is and always has been provided free of charge and without the clutter and distraction of advertisements. It is a passion and we make the results of that passion available to you with no other intent than it may serve your own discovery and growth and at the very least entertain you. We now ask that you acknowledge our "gift" to you by reaching into your own “coin purse” and pulling out some loose change to support our effort to give another type of "gift" to those whose circumstances in life have created a need. We respect that everyone's circumstances and ability to give is different so the size of your donation is irrelevant and any denomination no matter how small will be accepted with gratitude and appreciation.

If even a small percentage of the almost 260,000 individual visitors to the Gay Interest Films site were to donate a mere one dollar we will be able to meet our goal ten-fold. Currently we have only reached 12% of our goal of $1,100 and we only have until October 31 to achieve and hopefully break it!

Please help by being a part of the effort to achieve that success!

If AIDS has touched your own life in some way either directly or indirectly you must be aware of the fact and educate others that "AIDS IS NOT OVER!"

Please follow the SPONSOR ME NOW link in the purple box below to make your contribution and please consider forwarding this appeal and link to any and all within your own sphere of friends, family and loved ones encouraging them to join us.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of the need and your participation in our effort.

Robert, Drew, Eban and our special mascot who will walk with us, Sweet Pea

Most currencies of the world are accepted via credit card and are automatically converted to US dollars by
Firstgiving.com which is the site processing, managing and forwarding all donations directly to the Desert AIDS Project.
